Angela Chen is a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University.

Her research interests focus on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human-AI Collaboration, and Trustworthy AI.


Carnegie Mellon University

Ph.D. Student in Robotics at the School of Computer Science

Teaching Assistant for Human-Robot Interaction

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Master of Science & Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Computational Genomics Graduate Fellow @ National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Recent Publications and Projects

  • Trustworthy AI Algorithm

    Data-Driven Discovery of Design Specifications (2024 Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

  • Human-Robot Trust

    ”Do it my way!”: Impact of Customizations on Trust Perceptions in Human-Robot Collaboration

  • Assistive Home Robot

    AquaBot: Assistive Drinking Robot for the Mobility-impaired

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